Things You Must Avoid Doing/Saying When In An Interview Session
Before You Enter the Interview Room...
Do you know that your assessment as a candidate begins from the moment your CV is before your interviewer.
The content of your CV or cover letter gives a first impression of you.
So if you are a part of those who say, “English is not our mother tongue”, you might be setting yourself up for failure.
The trend of short forms in chat messages and on social media has eroded the state of grammar in our youths.
Nigerians have been crowned kings of Twitter savagery with all forms of short forms.
This might not seem important until you see a cover letter or CV (curriculum vitae) prepared by a graduate.
This leaves much to be desired.
Even if the job is an engineering role, employers want to be sure that Basic English is properly understood and can be communicated by all its employees.
So if you know the job but can’t speak or write very well, it’d be a disadvantage when vying for a job role.
At the Interview...
The internet went buzzing a few weeks ago when this was shared on Twitter.
There was a lot of outcry.
Different people shared their narratives on whether she was right or wrong.
The truth is, there is an acceptable code of conduct for an interview room.
One of our contributors, Mrs Ibiai Ani had this to say,
Being over-familiar with your interviewer(s) is another mistake that can quickly change the nature of the interview. Candidates must remain professional at all times. That does not mean they should not smile and be pleasant. It just means they should not cross the line into over-familiarity, because there is a tendency to relax and become unguarded . The interviewer on the other hand will take note of the attitude. The objective of the interview is to highlight one's strengths and suitability for the vacant position, so it's always best to remain focused on that objective.
The insights from the 10 Experts will certainly guide you as you prepare for your next interview.
Our distinguished Guest Contributors are
1. Dupe Akinsiun - A Multinational HRBP, Life Coach, Leadership Trainer & Speaker
2. Femi Faiga Exccutive Director at Xerxes Business Advisory
3. Adetoun Adefala HR Professional
4. Damilola Adefala HR Manager, The Luxxor Group
5. Ibiai Ani Managing Consultant, The Daisy Management Centre
6. Fadekemi Fowowe Chief Talent Officer, Terragon Group
7. Chimobi Nweke, Head of Recruitment, Olam Nigeria Ltd
8. Patrick Ekpedeme, Talent Manager, West Africa Anheuser-Busch InBev
9. Adebukola Boyejo
10. Oluwatoyin O.Ademola Life Strategist & Motivator Skillsultants Nigeria Limited
Don't forget to share this post with your contacts. You never know who it might help to land that dream job.